About Lisa

My Story
Through my years of being a Registered Nurse I noted aspects of patients' needs for healing were missing in hospital based care. I believe the principals of Naturopathy working in conjunction with the Medical Fraternity can promote a greater level of healing.
Consultations will cover iridology which is the study of health via an examination of your iris. This will be photographed and placed onto the computer for explanation and outline. The iris reads like a story telling what your body needs to enhance its function and for prevention of diseases. Iridology can provide information about consitutional strengths and weaknesses and internal structural weaknesses. Iridology cannot diagnose disease but can help evaluate what is happening within your body.
Would you like to know if your lymph system is over burdened?
If toxins or acidity through diet or stress and burdening your kidneys or protein metabolism?
Iridology can point out theses signs within your body.
I lecture at the highly reputable Endeavour College of Natural Health, Adelaide, Bachelor of Naturopathy and Western Herbal Medicine.
Herbal Medicine that I work with have undergone stringent Quality Assurance testing ensuring an efficacious product. These herbal medicine preparations then work to deliver synergistic nutrients to provide optimal results. Do you suffer from afternoon exhaustion and want some more energy - herbal medicine can support your adrenals whilst you make your life changes.